Weaker growth potential will also force companies operating in China to reconsider their business models, which often rely on high levels of debt and investment. 较弱的增长潜力还将迫使在中国经营的企业反思其业务模式,目前它们的业务模式往往依赖高水平的债务和投资。
The number of troops in such units can vary, but a battalion could have about 1,000 troops, creating a potential force of well over 10,000 Russian troops in Ukraine by this summer. 这种编队的士兵人数不均,一个营可能有1000名士兵,因此截至今年夏天,俄罗斯部署在乌克兰的部队可能会远超1万人。
This is for the further development of China's real estate industry to provide a potential driving force. 这是为进一步发展中国的房地产行业提供一个潜在的推动力。
This not only stunts the prospects for women, but also reduces economic growth by essentially hobbling half the potential labour force. 这不仅阻碍妇女的前途,而且束缚一半的潜在劳动力,以致减少经济增长。
Increasing aging population will lead to discovery of the potential social force and lack of vitality. 老龄化人口的持续增加会导致社会发现的潜在力和活力不足。
Nearly a decade, with the stone and cultural development, setting off a potential international force Cangdan strong wind. 近十年,随着石文化的发展,国内外掀起了一股潜在力较强的藏石风。
In recent years, mobile electronic commerce has a large potential force as the new developing aim of e-commerce. 近年来,移动电子商务作为电子商务领域发展的新方向显示出巨大的潜力。
The fines have the potential to force a factory to close down. 罚款有可能迫使工厂停产关门。
Potential field theory is applied to the study of robot soccer strategy, and a membership function which shows the threat to this team from the ball at each coordinate point is established by potential field force. 将势场理论运用到机器人足球比赛策略中,借助于势场力建立一个球的各坐标点对我方构成威胁的隶属函数。
Problem of Even up Potential Energy Force in High Steep Slope 陡高边坡拉平势场力问题
The potential and force theory reveals that gravity and the forces caused by the grounding water are the main driving forces, and capillary pressure is the main resistance force in the process of the migration and accumulation of oil/ gas. 根据油气在地层中的势和所受到的力理论,认为油气在运移与聚集过程中的主要驱动力为重力和围水压力变化引起的力,而毛细管压力则主要起阻力作用。
Phytase from Aspergillus fumigatus, however, can endure high temperature ranged from centigrade 90 to 100 and disassemble phytate in a wide pH value. So it has a potential force on occupying market. 而烟熏曲霉(A.fumigatus)中分离的植酸酶能够耐受90℃~100℃的高温,并且能在较宽的pH范围内降解植酸,具有较大的市场潜力。
The rise of TFR in early 1980s is mainly due to the release of the potential force. 80年代初TFR上升的主要原因是70年代积累的生育势能的释放,而由新婚姻法公布所产生部分早婚早育只是次要原因。
It is a potential force that we should not disregard, and there is a very close relationship between such a spirit and the constituting way of traditional Chinese society and its limitation. 民间宗教是中国民间的一股不可忽视的潜在力量,其存在和发展与中国传统社会的组织方式以及这种组织方式的局限性之间存在着密切的关系。
What most efficient measures should be taken to convert the potential productive force into realistic force? 如何以最有效的措施将农业技术潜在的生产力转化为现实的生产力?
Different effects of acetylcholine on the action potential and force contraction in guinea pig atrial and ventricular myocardium 乙酰胆碱对豚鼠心房肌和心室肌的动作电位和收缩力的不同作用
That the cyclical change of the shape of the mantle produces potential energy force in earth's crust results in crustal movement. 地幔圈形状周期性变化使地壳产生势能(位能)力导致地壳运动。
The combine gradient vector force field with potential force field takes for new exterior force field on snake model. 梯度向量流和图像梯度的有机组合产生的力场作为Snake模型新的外力场。
EMD simulation for potential and force at liquid-vapor interface system composed of water molecules 水的汽液界面系统中势能与力的EMD模拟研究
The possible comprehensive smallest inner-friction angle is obtained by analyzing the stable slope of the landfill and is used to calculate the potential force produced by waste body on waste dam in three typical states, which can be used to estimate dams stability. 利用已知的稳定填埋场边坡有关性状,反算出垃圾土可能最小综合内摩擦角,利用这个参数来计算填埋体在三种典型状态下对垃圾坝产生的最大作用力,从而来判断垃圾坝的稳定性。
In the vicinity of object boundary, Gaussian potential force drives the contour towards boundary and high-level segmentation is implemented. 当轮廓线运动到目标边界附近时,在高斯势力作用下继续变形,完成图像高层分割。
The potential force field act mainly on model when contour curve close target region edges. 同时当轮廓曲线到目标区域附近时发挥梯度场较精确的优点。
According to nature and characteristics of potential force, exerting on microbubble, a four zone vertical structure of microseepage is determined, i.e. zones of seeping, partition, accumulation and transportation. 按作用在油气微泡上势力的性质和特点提出了油气藏微渗漏的垂向分区结构,即划分为渗漏区、阻隔区、聚集区和迁移区。
Higher Vocational School in the Communist Youth League is an important ideological and political work of the team, is to maintain the stability of an important force in schools is the most active in schools, the most innovative, the most potential force. 高职共青团是高职校园里一支重要的思想政治工作队伍,是保持学校稳定的重要力量,是学校里最活跃、最具创新性、最有潜力的队伍。
At the moment, foreign investment enterprises are an indispensable component of our economy and the most potential exportation force. 目前,外商投资企业已成为我国经济不可缺少的组成部分和最有增长潜力的出口主体。
Science and technology innovation potentiality is the potential driving force to socioeconomic development promoted by science and technology, as well as enhancing regional economic power. 其中科技创新潜力是科学技术促进经济发展、增强区域经济实力的潜在推动能力。
For the problems of traditional artificial potential field method in a complex game environment, modified the potential field force function and potential field force direction to avoid the failure of path planning. 针对其在复杂的比赛环境中不能满足足球机器人路径规划对实时性、安全性和可达性的要求,通过修改势场力函数和势场力方向避免路径规划的失败。
The fate in the article refers specifically to the natural fate of the universe that governs human behaviors in a certain potential force. 本部分的命运特指自然宇宙中支配人类行为的某种潜在的力量。
Currently, private technology enterprises have been the dynamic, competitive and potential new force in our technology innovation and development. It has been the key power to drive the scientific and technological progress and technology innovation. 目前,民营科技企业已经成为我国技术创新和经济发展中富有活力、充满竞争力和无限潜力的生力军,成为了推动科技进步和技术创新的重要力量。
Growing enterprise is a potential force in national economy. It plays an important role in providing employment, activating market competition and promoting economic growth. 成长期企业是国民经济发展的生力军,在提供就业、激活市场竞争、促进经济增长等方面起到重要作用。